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Danny Cudd & Markus Johansson - Once Again

6486 views | Category: Music | Added by nihavend on 2013/01/26
Tag: danny cudd, markus johansson, hang, hang massive, instrumental music, sözsüz müzik, hang, hang istrument

A short hang drum duo video filmed on an autumnal morning in the beautiful town of Bath Spa.
Hang music by Danny Cudd ( hang playing hedge monkeys ). Played by Danny Cudd and Markus Johansson.
Hang is a beautiful instrument handmade in Switzerland.

The Hang (German pronunciation: [haŋ],plural form: Hanghang) is a musical instrument in the idiophone class created by Felix Rohner and Sabina Schärer (PANArt Hangbau AG)in Bern, Switzerland.

The instrument is constructed from two half-shells of deep drawn, nitrided steel sheet glued together at the rim creating a recognizable 'UFO shape'. There is nothing inside the Hang but air. The top ("Ding") side has a center 'note' hammered into it with seven or eight 'tone fields' hammered around it. The bottom ("Gu") is a simpler surface that has a rolled hole in the center with a tuned note that can be created when the rim is struck.

The Hang uses some of the same basic physical principles as a steelpan but with a new material and structural change of having two clamped shells with a small opening so that the instrument is a Helmholtz resonator. The creation of the Hang was the result of many years of research on the steelpan as well as the study of a diverse collection of instruments from around the world such as gongs, gamelan, ghatam, drums and bells. Metallurgical and acoustic research by the makers has led to significant changes and refinement in structure, design, and process over the years since the first Hang was offered.

The name Hang comes from the Bernese German word for hand. It is a registered trademark and property of PANArt Hangbau AG.

The Hang is sometimes referred to as a hang drum. The 'drum' label, however, is discouraged by PANArt: "Treating it as a drum and promoting the name Hang Drum, for instance, has created a ripple effect of misinformation that leads to damaged Hang, physical injury, and mental and emotional turbulence."



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