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Outlandish - Kun Min (Only Mine)

4967 views | Category: Music | Added by admin on 2011/06/25
Tag: music video, outlandish, popular music, famous music, hip hop, lyrics, english translation

Music video by Outlandish performing Kun Min (Only Mine)

Nobody's perfect, everyone wants respect, I believe in myself, but that
doesn't mean I'm famous.
A flash before my eyes, my heart's struck by pain, stop your lies, they say
it's going to be alright,
but it's hard to heal and keep your head up when you're feeling alone, I'm
tired of dark days,
I'm tired of going astray, I've been low enough to want God to take me back
to him.
Ignoring everything, I'm only fighting for my dream and my future, and if I
trip and fall,
I'll rise up, brush the dust off me, look into the mirror and promise
myself, as long as I breathe,
I'll have faith in myself.

Look at me,
tell me what you see, I'd wish that I had more,
believe in me, my hope and my future is alive,
like it or not.
I wanna be free now, be myself, by my own, I'm signing out now,
out of this game, take me as I am, my dream, I'll reach it,
Nice, fine, Only Mine.

The mirror pictures what I feel, and I feel that my world is shining,
I'll catch whoever depresses my dreams and my abilities,
stop putting my patience on trial, I am who I am, I never give up,
I shine through and I'm always real.
My hope is simple, it's not fake.
My hope is nice, fine, only mine.

Look at me,
tell me what you see, I'd wish that I had more,
believe in me, my hope and my future is alive,
like it or not.
I wanna be free now, be myself, by my own, I'm signing out now,
out of this game, take me as I am, my dream, I'll reach it,
Nice, fine, Only Mine.

I'm living behind a facade,
I was hoping I could step out,
sad thoughts, my heart beats too hard,
I wanted to leave, but then I'll be the one to suffer,
so I'll withstand it, it's about time that I stand up,
look into the mirror, the victory's winning, but hey it's human to make
I tell myself, I won't let the curtains drop, it's not my call, that's not
how I see myself.

I wanna be free now, be myself, by my own, I'm signing out now,
out of this game, take me as I am, my dream, I'll reach it,
Nice, fine, Only Mine.

[Thanks to]

Lyrics Source:


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